package TurtleGraphics; import java.awt.*; abstract public class AbstractPen implements Pen { // Instance variables ------------------------ protected double xPos, yPos,direction; protected int width; protected boolean isDown; protected Color color; protected SketchPad pad; // Public methods ---------------------------- public void down(){ isDown = true; } abstract public void drawString (String text); public void home () { xPos = 0; yPos = 0; direction = 90.0; } public void move (double distance) { drawLine (xDestination (distance), yDestination (distance)); } public void move (double x, double y){ turn(x, y); drawLine (x, y); } public boolean isDown(){ return isDown; } public void setColor (Color c) { color = c; } public void setDirection(double d){ direction = d % 360.0; } public void setWidth(int w){ if (w < 1) throw new RuntimeException ("Width " + w + " is invalid -- must be >= 1"); width = w; } public String toString () { return "Position: " + xPos + ", " + yPos + " " + "\nColor: " + color + " " + "\nWidth: " + width + " " + "\nIs down: " + isDown + " " + "\nDirection: " + direction; } public void turn (double degrees) { direction = (direction + degrees) % 360.0; } public void up () { isDown = false; } // Private and protected methods ------------------------- abstract protected void drawLine (double x, double y); protected void initialize (SketchPad p){ pad = p; isDown = true; color =; width = 2; home(); } protected void turn (double x, double y){ if (xPos == x && yPos == y) return; double deltaX = x - xPos; double deltaY = y - yPos; double distance = Math.sqrt (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); direction = Math.toDegrees (Math.asin(Math.abs(deltaY) / distance)); if (deltaY < 0) direction = - direction; if (deltaX < 0) direction = 180.0 - direction; } private double xDestination (double distance){ return xPos + distance * Math.cos(Math.toRadians (direction)); } private double yDestination (double distance){ return yPos + distance * Math.sin(Math.toRadians (direction)); } }